Bucknell on Purpose: Course asks critical questions about life after graduation

The Bucknell University seniors trod onto the grassy quad outside the Breakiron Engineering Building. Their professor, Joseph Tranquillo, explained the rules of the game, which were straightforward, though not necessarily intuitive: Make a human chain with your teammates without touching them. The students eyed each other nervously, waiting for someone…

Flourishing, Perspectives

Q&A with Dr. Robert Waldinger, Co-Author of The Good Life: Lessons on how to live well from the longest study on adult life

Bob Waldinger is a psychiatrist, a professor at Harvard Medical School, and the Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the world’s longest scientific study of happiness.  His new book, The Good Life, with Dr. Marc Schulz, provides insights regarding what makes some people happier and more satisfied than…


Measuring Wellbeing Among College Students: Data from different sources can add to the whole picture

As agents of socialization, colleges and universities serve important roles for young people to construct their identity and find community in addition to acquiring knowledge and skills. Students’ wellbeing is directly related to their learning, performance, development, and flourishing on campus. For these reasons, institutions are prioritizing the wellbeing of…

Mental Health

When Supporters Struggle: Mental health issues among faculty and staff

The chair of the department wasn’t herself. This was clear to her advisees, who noticed their professor becoming disengaged and disorganized, and inconsistent in following through with paperwork and information. They suspected it might have something to do with the campus tragedy: A student in one of the professor’s classes…

Flourishing, Teaching & Learning

Research and Belonging at UMaine: First year courses set students up for life

Sometimes first experiences can last a lifetime, which is why colleges and universities are raising the bar on programs that start before students begin school and continue throughout that important first year. From camping to community service, these experiential learning programs double as socializing opportunities to acclimate students to college…

Mental Health, Perspectives

A Public Health Approach to the Campus Mental Health Crisis: Advice from a university president and public health expert

The numbers are startling. Mental health challenges among United States college students increased by more than 100% in eight years, with the largest increase seen among non-white students, according to a recent study by the Healthy Minds Network. And, while the good news is that more students are seeking help…

Access & Inclusion, Perspectives

Blindspotting: The Supreme Court’s decisions in students for fair admissions

In his recent book American Whitelash, journalist Wesley Lowery offers a stark portrait of contemporary American society, describing burgeoning levels of polarization and partisanship as signaling a “soft civil war.” Throughout his treatise, Lowery reminds readers that “One of our historical blindspots is thinking multiracial democracy—what America should be—is a…

Mental Health

If not for Nan: Peer program honors its namesake by helping teenagers feel less alone

It was unseasonably warm in early April as the first years at Wayland High School trickled into the morning class. The 15-year-olds from suburban Boston were dressed for the 85-degree weather, with girls in unburied denim cutoffs and boys sporting their lacrosse uniforms, untucked jerseys swallowing up the team’s youngest…

Access & Inclusion, Perspectives

Q&A with Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick, President of Howard University: Dr. Wayne Frederick will leave Howard University a very different place than he entered it

After a decade as president, Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick will leave Howard University a very different place than he entered it.  He came to Howard as a 16–year-old undergraduate from Trinidad and Tobago who went on to graduate from both its medical and business schools.  His unusual profile as a…
