Archived Content


Student Success, Mental and Behavioral Health

The Meaning of Success: How the Coalition for Life Transformative Education is Changing the Game

Few would argue that college can be a life-changing experience. But what if it could change not just what you know, but who you are?  What if the goal of going to college were to achieve life-long wellbeing, as well as a good career? And what if that opportunity were…

MCQ. Issue 25
Student Success, Mental and Behavioral Health

Leadership Convening on Student Behavioral Health

On March 2nd and 3rd, student and academic affairs professionals, experts, and researchers from around the country gathered at Georgetown University for the second in a two-part convening series focused on college student behavioral health and wellness. The gathering of administrative leaders from these two areas was an attempt to…

MCQ. Issue 17
Student Success, Mental and Behavioral Health

Happiness and Higher Education

Sociologist Corey Keyes connects the dots There’s an intellectual curiosity taking hold on campuses across the country and it’s all about how to be happy. From Yale’s “Psychology and the Good Life” to Harvard’s “Positive Psychology,” the science of happiness is proving so popular among students that classes max out…

MCQ. Issue 12