Fund a Research Project

Support the Mary Christie Institute Fund a Research Project

Fund a Research Project

The Mary Christie Institute conducts national surveys on topics related to young adult health and wellbeing. MCI’s research agenda seeks to fill gaps in the field for under-examined issues or emerging practices that have generated significant discussion and inquiry among higher education leaders.

Research dissemination is central to the work of the Mary Christie Institute. In conjunction with every survey project, MCI implements comprehensive public affairs campaigns that include coordination with media outlets and development of pitch materials, submission of op-eds on relevant topics, national virtual and in-person events, development of distribution partnerships, promotion of research in MCI publications, and extensive social media campaigns. MCI’s research receives national media coverage as well as coverage in higher education trade publications including the Chronicle for Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.

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Past survey projects include:

The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young Professionals
Peer Programs in College Student Mental Health
Peer Counseling in College Mental Health
The Role of Faculty in Student Mental Health
Creating Environments For Flourishing: Using innovation, evidence, and community to support and improve the emotional and behavioral health of students
Supporting College Student Mental Health: Parents’ Perspectives